An Introduction to Theory of Everything….
this paper I am trying to say that, the laws of universe are same in everywhere
and every action. We can explain everything in the same mode. According to me
there is no any specialty in black body radiation or photoelectric effect. We
can explain them naturally like every action occurring in our surroundings.
Nature is giving us the answers if we observe it clearly. We can observe
everything as simple even big bang, inflation or any action happening in our
surroundings as the same. Everything in the nature is working under the same
laws. I am trying to say we can observe inflation in every action where a force
is applying. Here I am trying to understand about the force and energy. If we
can understand very well, what is happening, when a force is applying to an
object? It will give us the answer for everything. For me kinetic energy or
potential energy of the object will not change the equilibrium of the system,
so it is not interacting with the stored energy in it. I am not adding any new
ideas here; I am just explaining what we know. A single photon doesn’t have a
rest mass but it can show gravity and it can add a mass to a system. I am
trying to state that, gravity is closely related to the frequency of a particle
than its mass. For me to explain the quantum gravity we have to bring the
planks relation into macroscopic level. If bring it into the macroscopic level
we can find the relationship between mass and frequency in macroscopic level.
An Introduction to Theory of Everything….
Introduction [1 – 21]
Here I am trying to know more about Energy and
force. I think that my observations will give us a clearer image about energy
and quantization of mass. I am not trying to admit a new concept in current
physics; I am trying to make a better explanation for our present concepts
about energy with my observations in our surroundings. We are having the very
best equations for Energy (E=mc2
and E= hv). I am trying to mingle
them under a same measurement to get the equation of mass. Einstein
explained us the relation between mass and Energy. And the Planks relation E=hv relates energy with the frequency.
To say something about my thoughts on the subject Energy, I would like to go
back to the period of Plank and Einstein and find a relation between these two
theories. Plank explained us about the Black body radiation and Einstein
explained us photoelectric effect. By
these two we can find the relation of mass and frequency.
I was curious about these two phenomenons and
I was intended to think about blackbody radiation and photoelectric effect
[3–16] to reach some conclusions. Blackbody radiation describes about the amount of energy required to form an
electromagnetic field (a quantum). Here we can say a photon as a unit particle.
So here we can see that the amount of energy required forming a unit particle
or a photon and its frequency. Once we go through the photoelectric effect we
can see that a photon can eject an electron from an atom, if it has the sufficient frequency. So it is clear that frequency of a photon varies. That means
frequency of particles can vary according
to the amount of energy stored in it. So here we can say that the minimum
amount of energy required (work function)
to a photon to eject an electron from an atom. The intensity of the photons has
no role in this situation. Here we can say that, if a photon doesn’t have
sufficient energy to eject an electron from an atom, it will radiate from the
atom at the same time. So the amount of
energy stored in a particle is directly related to the frequency. These
observations made me think about the particles and the amount of energy stored
in it.
In blackbody radiation we can see that the amount
of energy required to creating an electromagnetic field and in photoelectric
effect we can see that the amount of energy required to a photon to eject an
electron from an atom. Now we can imagine if the amount of energy is less than
this level what will happens. Normally we can say that its frequency will be
less. In a blackbody it can’t create an electromagnetic field and in
photoelectric effect it can’t eject an electron from an atom. So it is just
acting on the object and cannot cause anything seriously. At this stage I am
intended to think that if a particle with
the amount of stored energy much lesser than that of a photon (may be half or
something less than a photon).what will happen if it is like that? Normally
we can say that the frequency will be that much lesser. So at this time those particles with lesser energy in it cannot
act against anything. It can be act like a transparent particle and it can show
only gravity according to its frequency. I am trying to explain about this
According to me if one or more photons are
accommodating in a system, it can add some mass to the total system. Like this
way these low energy particles can add mass on a system according to the number
of the particles in the system. Here I am intended to say that dark matter may be existing as particles
like this (that’s why it can contribute mass and gravity to the total
energy of the universe). Here we can use the equation E= Һѵ and calculate the energy of the particle. I just have started
my new project about quantum gravity with these thoughts and hope to get a good
result soon.
Now we will think about photons and we know
that photon doesn’t show any rest mass even it travels with the speed of light.
In light, we can observe photons with different frequencies at same kinetic
Energy (velocity). This made me think about kinetic energy. We all knows that
Kinetic Energy KE = ½ mv2,
and we can see the presence of mass and
velocity of the object. So kinetic energy is the energy (force) which
effect on another object (energy). An external force is acting on an object,
when it was at inertia or in motion. This equation doesn’t state anything about
the mass of the kinetic energy. According to present physics, if the velocity
increase it will increase the mass also because E= mc2. Now we will see what is happening when an object
get a motion by an external force (energy). The energy will increase into E+Ke.
So mc2+
½ mv2 = total energy of the moving object. Here mc2 is the energy when the
object was at rest and ½ mv2
as the kinetic energy. Here to calculate kinetic energy we are using the mass
and velocity of the object, and naturally we say that kinetic energy can add a
mass to the object. We are unable to know
about the mass of the force (energy) which was applied on the object to get
its kinetic energy. Here I am intended to say that, Kinetic energy or potential energy will never add a mass to the object
(don’t confuse with rest mass and weight). If kinetic or potential energy adds
a mass to the object, a photon which moves at a velocity of light must obtain
mass and if it has a mass it can’t reach at this velocity (velocity of light).
So what is happening or what is kinetic energy? Peoples say a flying photon has
mass. In any condition a photon add a mass to it; it will reduce its velocity. If kinetic energy adds a mass on photon, it
needs an additional energy to keep the velocity as the same.
Does kinetic energy of photons varies?
[2 – 21]
I am always trying to understand something
from my surroundings, when I was thinking about kinetic energy of a moving
object and the additional mass to the object by the kinetic energy made me
think about momentum. We knows the
equation of momentum P= mv. Here also
we are using the mass and velocity of the object to calculate the momentum. We
also knows that, if velocity or mass
increase, it will increase the momentum too.
Imagine an object with mass 5kg and velocity
8m/s. We can calculate the momentum of the object as 40 Ns and Kinetic energy
as 160 N. Now we can increase the velocity of the object as 10m/s again we can
measure the momentum as 50 Ns and kinetic energy as 250 N. Now I am increasing
the mass of the object as 10 kg and keep the velocity as 8 m/s. and I calculate
the momentum as 80 Ns and kinetic energy as 320 N. By this example I would like
to explain the kinetic energy of a photon.
So if I increase the mass or velocity it will
increase the momentum and kinetic energy. Now we will see what is happening
here. An object at a mass and a velocity have its momentum. To change the
velocity of the object, I have to increase or decrease the applied force
(kinetic energy). If I change the mass and need to keep the same velocity, I
have to change the amount of applied
force. If I increase the mass and the applied force (kinetic energy) keep
as the same as before, the object will have a less velocity than previous and
the momentum remains same. So momentum is property of the external force which
is acting on the object or momentum will be decided by the applied force. So we
know that an applied force (Kinetic Energy) is adding momentum to the object.
Here I wish to say, kinetic energy or
momentum will not affect the equilibrium of the system and so it will never
make any change (except motion) on a physical body [3, 16]. We can see that
if we increase mass of the object and keep the kinetic energy as the same, it
will decrease the velocity only. So here I would like to say that, the velocity of the moving object is
depending with the rest mass of the object and kinetic energy. Kinetic energy is a form of energy which is only
accompanying the object and easily removable.
These observations revealed me that energy is affecting to an object in two
different ways, permanently and temporary (Force). What I mean by a permanent energy is the energy which an
object (electron in photo electric effect) can absorb in it, and the temporary
energy (force) is the form of energy like kinetic energy or potential energy,
which is only accompanying to the object or a system. Here I will show an
example and I think it will give us a clear idea about kinetic energy. I just
want to stick two wood pieces with a nail. So I hit the nail with a hammer and
the nail will penetrate into the woods. Here I am applying a force on the nail;
the work is done by me because I give a kinetic energy to the hammer. We are
sure that, the work is done and we get the result. Kinetic energy will not rest
with the nail after it penetrate into the wood, it is liberating from the nail.
Here I already release a force and it is transferred to the nail and I get the
result. So the applied force must have to conserve in the nail and its mass
have to increase, but it is not happening here. So kinetic energy is adding to the
nail temporarily and after that it is releasing from the object. To explain
this we can think according to the photoelectric effect or black body
While explaining photoelectric effect [11],
Albert Einstein agreed that the energy of
a photon is related to its frequency. Here I am taking photoelectric effect
as an example to explain my ideas. In photoelectric effect a photon can eject
an electron from an object. It depends on the frequency of the photon and even
if we increase the intensity of photons, it will not eject electron from an
atom if it has no sufficient frequency. If we go through this concept slowly,
we can observe some interesting things about energy. As I told above, frequency of the photon is directly related
to the amount of stored energy in it. A single photon doesn’t show any mass but
it can contribute a mass to other objects if it is absorbed in it. During
photo electric effect, when an electron is absorbing a photon, the absorbed
photon will add some energy (mass) to the electron. We know that photons are
moving at the speed of light and have no rest mass. Here we can say that a
photon or a moving object have two different energies (stored energy in it and
the kinetic energy). This show if a photon has sufficient energy (amount of
stored energy in it and kinetic energy), it will absorbed by the electron and
ready to move away. The kinetic energy of
the photon will add to the electrons kinetic energy and allow the electron to eject
from the atom. Here we can see two different actions 1. Energy is acting on
energy, 2. Force acting on force [2, 3, and 11].
acting on energy;
the electron is absorbing the amount of
stored energy in the photon. Force
acting on force; kinetic energy of
photon is adding to the kinetic energy of electron. Kinetic energy of the photon we can call as the work function. Now
I will show an example to clear this point. Imagine an object is moving with a
constant velocity, and after a time I am applying a force on it. We can see
that the object will accelerate suddenly according to the applied force. It
will increase its kinetic energy with the applied force. And we can see that
the applied force is acting with the kinetic energy of the object and it is not
absorbing by the object. Here we can clearly observe that the force is acting
on the force and the increasing kinetic energy according to the applied force.
It is the time to think about the kinetic energy and dual (wave and particle)
nature of a photon or a particle. As I said in an example above, velocity of the moving object is related
with the rest mass of the object and its kinetic energy. If we consider a
photon, it has no rest mass. We have no doubts that a photon has its own energy
in it. So we have to work with the amount of stored energy in it, because mass
is also a form of energy. As I said before that “Energy of a photon is directly related to its frequency” [2- 20] and
we know the energy of a photon E = hv. We
have no doubts that the amount of stored
energy in photons varies. Now we can imagine two photons (X and Y) at rest
and the amount of stored energy in these two are different. We can say the amount
of stored energy in “X” is greater than “Y”. Now we can apply a same amount of
force (Kinetic energy) on these two photons. The velocity of these two photons
must be different at this time. Here kinetic energy (external force because the
photons where at rest) is acting on an object (photon). We know that velocity
of a photon V = vλ. Here velocity (kinetic energy) of a photon is the
velocity of light “c” is a constant.
So this equation also showing us the kinetic energy (the applied force to
achieve the velocity) of each photons varies. To keep the constant velocity (if
it is related to the frequency which varies on each photons), the kinetic
energy must be vary. Here photon is the
object and it has no rest mass, so the
existence of photon depends upon the amount of energy stored in it at rest.
We know that photons have the velocity
of light. So if it needs to keep a same velocity, there must have different
kinetic energy in each photon. And we can say kinetic energy of each photon varies according to the amount of energy
stored in it (frequency).
Now we will come back to photo electric
effect. Once kinetic energy is adding to the electron, it is acting as the same
way (it is only adding with the kinetic energy of electron). Naturally we can
have a doubt that, a photon has the velocity of light and the ejected electron
doesn’t, even the kinetic energy is same? Here the electron will gain momentum
and electron will not get the same
velocity as the photon because of the mass difference between photon and
electron. Ie; an electron has a rest mass greater than photon (photon don’t
have a rest mass). So now here we have to think only with the kinetic energy of
the photon which is adding to the electrons kinetic energy.
These two process (Absorption of energy of
photon and addition of kinetic energy of photon to the kinetic energy of
electron) must have happen in the plank time and the effect of the absorption
of energy of photon into the electron will be in the inflationary period (to
clarify this, I will explain inflation below), because the laws of universe are always same to every actions. Photo electric
effect or black body radiation is not showing any specialty to me. These are
just an action like other things in the universe. To understand this, we will
take some water in a jar and apply a temperature on it. We know the water will
boil at 100o c, if we apply a temperature of 90oc on the
water, it will never boil. If the temperature is not sufficient to boil the
water it can’t do the work what I expect from it. So laws of universe are always same for everything in the universe, even
we can apply it with the big bang cosmology (we can explain also big bang in
the same way). I have been taken plank time here for the absorption of
energy of photon and addition of kinetic energy of photon to the kinetic energy
of electron, because it (the shortness of
time to show the effects when a force is applied on an object) is well
described in big bang cosmology (an
applied force was created the big bang) and I says the laws of universe is
same for all motions in the universe. We can observe it in every action (even
simple or complicated) occurring in our nature. By this we can see that kinetic energy or an applied force is
not interacting with the stored energy in it. And we can say that it is the
reason for the wave – particle duality of particles.
The second important point of photoelectric
effect shows that the energy of emitted electron is not related with the intensity
of photons (we can see it directly in the water boiling experiment). Intensity
of photon; while photons are hitting continuously to the electron, intensity is
the number of photons hitting at the same time. Intensity of photons is not
important in photoelectric effect, but according to my observations I can say
that, it is directly supporting photo electric effect. According to me its
surroundings has an important role on every physical action. If there are no sufficient conditions
nothing will happen. Surroundings are creating the sufficient conditions. Now we will go back to the water boiling
experiment and if I explain it in the language of photo electric effect, it
will be like this way. When we are increasing the temperature the intensity of
the applied energy remain as the same and we are increasing only the frequency
of the heat energy. It will make the water boil. Now we will come back to photo
electric effect, if things are normal an electron can absorb some amount of
energy and add some kinetic energy from a photon and rest will absorb, add from
another photon, and easily get ejected from the atom. It is not happening here,
so time is having an important role on the absorption of energy, as I explained
above with the big bang cosmology. If it doesn’t absorb the sufficient energy
and add the kinetic energy in a time limit, it will radiate the absorbed energy
within not time. So the absorption must be happen in the plank time and the
reaction on the inflationary period (example big bang cosmology).
Now we will try to know something about
inflation. All we know inflation as a cosmological hypothesis regarding the big
bang and the expansion of universe. According to me inflation is a phenomenon
occurring, when a force acting on an object. We can observe or feel inflation on all kind of motions and the rate of
inflation depends upon the amount of applied force.
Inflation [1 – 21]
When I was thinking about expansion and
acceleration of universe on the basis of my paper “Structure of relatively accelerating universe” [1], in the
inflationary epoch [21], I realize that inflation has an important role in the
expansion of universe and even in the
every actions of our daily life. In Wikipedia the explanation of inflation
is like this “Inflationary theory
describes that the expansion of universe in the initial stage at an
accelerating rate much faster than the speed of light. The inflationary epoch
lasted from 10-36 seconds after the big bang”. Inflationary
model is able to solve many of the problems in cosmology. Scientists are trying
to get information about the inflationary gravitational waves. We all know that inflation is happened after
the big bang and the reason is unknown. According to me pure Physics is the real understanding of the nature of universe.
Our surrounding nature is giving us all the answers of its phenomenon’s; we
just need to observe it carefully. Inflation made me think a lot about Big
Bang, the force created by Big Bang and the after effects of Big Bang. My
thoughts lead me to the force in daily life and I started thinking seriously
about it. I realize that we can observe
inflation in every action where a force is applying. In my logics “inflation is the effect which is creating by
a force when it is acting on an object or another force”. For example, I
supposed to throw a ball (we can ignore gravity for a better explanation) at a
velocity of 10 m/s and it will continue its motion at the same velocity. It is
clear here that, before I throw the ball, it was at the stage of inertia. Its initial velocity was Zero. It will reach
at the velocity of 10 m/s suddenly, when I apply the force on it. We can
observe inflation here, the time taken to
reach the actual velocity with an unobservable acceleration. The force
which I applied was able to provide the object a velocity of 10 m/s. It starts
from Zero and reach at the velocity of the applied force (kinetic energy) suddenly.
This period will cause a sudden acceleration to the object. This we can say as
the inflationary period of that force. In
this period the object will get acceleration at a very high rate according to the
amount of applied force.
Now we will see another example to explain the
inflation. Here we can observe a billiards board. We can say that Inflation is
the effect creating by a force when it acts on an object. If we observe clearly
we can feel it naturally in every action. We cannot observe it directly because
of the shortness of time on the inflationary period of that action. It is just
like the reflex action in biology, when we touch on a hot object, we will bring
back our hand suddenly and then only we feel the hot. Please don’t
misunderstand me; I just intended show the speed of inflation on every action.
For example if we observe a Billiards board or any other action. When the ball
hits on a ball (here I am ignoring all the other balls on the board for a
better view), the kinetic energy is transferring one to another. So the second
ball is adding a momentum in it. The influence of the external energy (by the
first ball) will fill all the parts of the ball uniformly and suddenly. And the
speed of this uniform filling of the force will depend upon the strength of the
force. If the applied force is week it will effect on the body slowly. Inflation
is the effect which created by the transformation of momentum to one force to
another or an object. So here we can see that the force is effecting
uniformly on the body, it is accelerating the body with uniform motion and
deciding the direction of motion. When the ball hits on the other ball, we can
observe some kind of vibration on the ball and it will make a sound too (this
we can say as the after effect of the applied force). It (the vibration and
sound) will travel uniformly in all directions (we can apply the concept of cosmic microwave background radiation here).
By these observations, I would like to mingle
these concepts in the cosmic inflation. Once the big bang apply a force to the
unique quantum universe (before the big bang), the force is applied uniformly
to the total part of the unique mass, it gains a unique momentum and the after
effect of the applied force (cosmic
microwave background radiation) spread in all directions uniformly. This is
the reason which the universe is seem to be uniform in all direction, cosmic
microwave is distributed uniformly in all direction and all other uniformity
shown in the universe. It shows us that the universe
was a unique quantum before big bang, otherwise it can’t show uniformity.
To understand we will go back to the billiard board and this time we can
imagine the board with several balls. Once the ball hits a ball, it will pass a
momentum to the other balls too, but not uniformly. Each ball has different momentum and different direction
according to the effect of force on it. Here we can understand the
uniformity of universe and its reason. In each case time has an important role.
So I would like to write something about time here.
Quantization of Time [1, 5, 6, 12, 13,
According to me time is an important thing in
the universe and our daily life. Here I am trying to point out my observations
about time and I am not trying to say anything about space time and space time
curvature. Here I am writing my observations about time only. According to me time is always with the force (energy) [1].
Everything in the universe is under time even if it is in inertia (because the
universe is expanding uniformly). According to me time in the present universe starts with the big bang, one may can
say there was a time exist before the big bang too. But here I consider saying
time starts with big bang and I am taking that as the original time. Because of
the expansion of universe starts with the big bang. Once time is always travelling with the force, time is with the
expansion of universe. Each and every point in the universe we can find a
time according to the big bang and by the distance it will increase or decrease.
I would like to explain with an example. Imagine two objects have the same time
and they start travelling with this time from a point with same velocity.
During their motion they arrive at a point after an interval of time. We can
say the time starts when they get accelerated and the increasing distance is
increasing time too. So during the expansion of universe the time is also
expanding. Now we will go back to the example. When they arrive at the fixed
point one of these two objects get influenced by an external force and deviate
its direction of motion. The first object will not affect by the external force
and it continues its motion with the original time. The second object which affected by the
external force deviate its direction of motion and starts a new time with the external force and keeping its original time
for the information of its total motion. Here the original time is being quantized with new time. So here we reach to
the point which we have to discuss about “the
quantization of time”.
of time; Time required to gain the energy is equal to
the time required to emit the gained energy. Consider an object moving
against gravity at a constant speed (we can ignore the effect of gravity on the
body during this motion) and after a time interval it reach at a height and
stop suddenly its motion. Here I am ignoring the accelerations on the motion
for a better understanding. Imagine that the external force is keeping that
object at a constant velocity greater than 9.8 m/s, so it will never decelerate
or accelerate during its motion. Once it stops its motion, naturally gravity
will hang it back to earth. Now we can say that, Earth will give a velocity 9.8
m/s (naturally it is accelerating but for clarity, I would like to say it as a
constant velocity) to the object. So this object will take more time to reach
to the surface of earth. Because the velocity (applied force) which given by
gravity to the object is less than that of its first motion. So the applied
force (kinetic energy) in these two motions is different. So the times taken to
reach a same distance in these two motions are depending on the applied force
(kinetic energy). By this experiment I would like to say that the time is
quantized with the force (energy). In this experiment we can see that the
difference between these times is quantized with the difference between the
applied forces. I can show the same thing with other examples but I have taken
gravity as an example, because still we have to understand more about gravity.
Now we will go back to the example, we can imagine the motion of object against
gravity and the velocity providing by gravity are equal. So the time taken to
reach a distance (gain potential energy) and the time taken to return the same
point (lose potential energy) are equal. By these examples we can clearly say
that the time is quantized with the energy. We can say a clear explanation with
the water boiling experiment. The time require to make the water boil at room
temperature is equal to the time required to cool the water as before in the
room temperature.
Here I would like to add another observation
about time with the help of an example. Here we can imagine three objects “with same time” and travelling with
different velocities at a same line. These three have to reach a same point at
a same time interval, but they are travelling with different velocities. So
they will never reach at the destination at same time. The original time is
moving with them equally, but the time according their motion varies. We can
say if it reaches at the destination with an allowed time for the motion, it is
travelling with the original time. The rate of flow of time and rate velocity
is equal. We can call them as A, B and C. Object B is travelling at the allowed
velocity to reach the destination, A is having a velocity greater than B and C
with a less velocity regarding to B. According to B, the object A is travelling
into the future and C is in the past. So if
we can obtain a velocity greater than that of the expansion rate of universe,
we can travel to a point where earth will reach in future.
Time Travel
Here I am trying to
describe my thoughts about the time and curvature of space and time. Now we can imagine a sphere which undergoes
an explosion from its center and the parts of the sphere is scattering into all
the dimensions of the sphere, and continue its motion [1].
Figure (1) : expansion of
the sphere after the explosion.
This figure shows us three
stages of the sphere ie; the sphere before explosion, few seconds after the
explosion and sometimes after the explosion. Now here I am going to concentrate
some parts from the expanding sphere to describe the curvature of space - time
and force of gravity.
Figure (2) : Time travel.
I am taking 5 parts from
the expanding sphere (objects A, B, E, F and G). We can imagine it as the
expanding universe too. We know that all these parts are moving away with a
uniform velocity. Now imagine that an object is travelling from “B” to “E”.
While it is reaching to the point “E”, the object “E” is also travelling, so
the object “E” will be at the point “F”. Here
we can observe the curvature of time and space directly. This figure shows
us the difference in distance between the relatively moving objects. Once the
object starts travelling from “B” to “E”, it is travelling in a straight line.
But here the destination of the travel “E” is moving towards to “F”. So the
object which is travelling to “E” has to follow the motion of “E”. If it follows the motion of “E” the path of
travel must have to curve. It is not happening here. We can see that the
object which travels from “B” to “E” is always travelling in a straight line.
So here space and time is getting curved
according to the travel and gravity is directly helping the object to getting a
curved space and time. If gravity is not holding the traveling object inn,
it has to follow the motion of “E” and the travelling path must have to curve.
So here we can see the influence of gravity directly. So we can clearly say here that gravity is keeping the moving object in a
straight line. That I am explaining below.
Gravity [1
– 20]
Gravity is the most familiar and most unknown
subject in physics. Our present concept about gravity is related with the mass
of the object [16]. All of us know that Quantum gravity is still remaining as a
question in physics. There are so many proposals for quantum gravity in
physics. Here I am proposing my thoughts about quantum gravity. I am trying to explain
quantum gravity according to my point of view. According to me, to explain quantum gravity we just need to change the
measurements only. To bring an idea
about quantum gravity we have to bring quantum mechanics in macroscopic level.
That means the equation E = hv must be able to describe the energy of matter or
an object. That I am trying to describing below in my conclusions. It may
be a key for the researchers who are working with this field.
To say something about quantum gravity, we
have to know what gravity is. Everybody in the world will say that gravity is
closely related with mass of an object, in accordance with the Sir Isaak
newton’s law of universal gravitation. I also agree with this theory but here I
am intended to say that gravity is
closely related to the frequency of a particle than its mass. Einstein has
explained gravity very well in his theory of general relativity too and we have
the very famous equation in the world that E=
mc2. This equation is describing the relationship between energy
and mass but not giving us a correct definition of mass. Presently scientists
who are in this field are trying to get a definition of mass and to gravity.
According to me the most precious equation which can help us to get an answer
about this question is Plank relation, that E=Һѵ.
For me this equation is describing the relationship between energy and
frequency and most important for my thoughts.
For me, Gravity
is the one and only fundamental force in the universe and the others may create
in the inflationary era. In my thoughts gravity is not a weak force and it
doesn’t have infinite range. If we say
that gravity has an infinite range, it will be the violation of law of
conservation of energy. Infinity will never exist in physics, it exist only in
mathematics. We know that energy can
neither create or destroyed, so the universe must have a finite energy in it
[1]. Once gravity as a property of energy, it must have a finite range with
the frequency of the object (once we bring the quantum mechanics in the
macroscopic level, we can calculate the frequency of the objects).
I am not describing gravity here; I would like
to write my observations about gravity here. Imagine that one train and an
airplane are travelling at a same speed at same line and started from the same
point. After one hour of their travel they will reach at the same point. We
know that earth is rotating on its axis itself. Now we can imagine two objects
moving in the same manner as I explain above in a big sphere rotating in its
axis itself. We can say the objects are travelling from north to south and the
sphere is rotating in its axis from the south to north. After the same interval
of time these two objects will be at different positions. The one which travels
above to the surface of the sphere will cover more areas of the sphere, because
the sphere is moving against the motion of that object. In the case of the
second object also the sphere is moving against the object but the motion of
the sphere is not helping the object to reduce its distances. But for the first
object the motion of the sphere is directly helping it to reduce the distance
to travel.
Now we will go through the case of earth and
check what is happening in the travel of the train and the airplane. Here we
can imagine that earth is moving on its axis in the direction of north to
south. And the train and the airplane are travelling from south to north. Here
we can see that these two will reach at the same point at the same interval of
time. But in the case of the sphere the one which travel above from the surface
covers more areas of the sphere. It shows us the strength of gravity. According
to me gravity is also powerful like other interactions. If we observe the
motions of the train and the airplane, we can see that gravity is holding the
airplane with the surface of earth in a straight line and allowing it to curve
in accordance with the curvature of earth. The velocity which has the airplane
is helping it to cover the distance. If earth’s gravity is not holding the
airplane in the straight line it will cover more distances in accordance with
the rotation of earth on its axis. It is showing us the strength of gravity. At
this stage we can imagine that the airplane is not moving and it is just keeping energy to resist gravity
and they are in an equilibrium stage. So it has the same energy that
gravity applying on it. At this time gravity
and airplane are in a straight line and the plane will move according to the
rotation of earth. I am not saying about the artificial satellites and
angular momentum, but we can keep objects in the atmosphere of earth even 10
meter high if we can understand gravity
well. I will give you another example to understand this and what I wrote
above about kinetic energy. Imagine that I am throwing a ball vertically
against gravity. The force which I applied on the ball is able to bring it at
the height of 10m. During this motion the ball will decelerate according to
gravity and it will reach at zero velocity. We can observe the ball will stay
there at a small time and after that gravity will hold it back. At this stage
the ball has the tendency to move against gravity and the remaining kinetic
energy with the ball was not able to give motion. So it will try to resist the
gravity, but as I explain above kinetic energy is not absorbing by the object,
it is just adding to the object and easy to remove. So the action of gravity
here is able to remove the remaining kinetic energy from it. If the object is
able to keep this kinetic energy with it, it can be keep an equilibrium line
with gravity and move according to the rotation of earth. It is just an
observation; we need to prove it and need more to study to prove it. I hope the
alien technologies like anti-gravity, transparency with light, flying speed are
not more distant from us.
Now I would like to show an example to
understand the relationship between gravity and frequency. While looking into
moon we can see it as a shining object. We know it is not producing any energy
itself and it is radiating (reflecting) the sunlight only. An observer on the
surface of moon will not see it as shining. The distance between earth and moon
is showing us the brightness of moon to us. So by distance we can observe the
major parts of the reflection (radiation) of light from the moon. If we think
about this we can say the amount of radiation which we are observing is showing
us the brightness. So all of the radiating lights and its frequencies are
combining together to show us the brightness. What I am intended to say is a
single photon doesn’t show mass but it shows gravity otherwise light will not
bend in gravitational fields. That means gravity is the property of stored
energy in a particle. If we take an atom as an example the sum of the total
energy in it is showing the total gravity of it and energy is closely related
with its frequency. So I am interested to say that gravity is closely related
to its frequency than its mass.
How we can apply
Gravity into Quantum Mechanics
To bring
classical physics and Quantum theory in a same line we have to bring them under
a same platform with certain measurements. We have to bring Classical Physics
into microscopic level or Quantum Mechanics into macroscopic level or these two
under a same platform. According to me microscopic or macroscopic dimensions
are influencing the reference frame of the observer. Here I am trying to bring
them under a same dimension in two different frames of an observer in a same
platform. I think that it is possible if we bring Gravity as a main component
in these two branches of physics. So I am trying to insert gravity in these
two. Gravity is already described in Classical physics. So we can start from it.
Here I am going to
start from Newton and his theory of Gravity. We know that
All we know
that every objects with mass (Energy) show its own gravity. Now imagine an
object at space. We can calculate its gravity by the equation
Now we can bring
this object into Earth’s surface. At this time the gravity will be equation
(1). But at the same time the objects gravity will be equation (1). Anyhow we
can work with the concept that the object is at the space for more clarity and
the equation (2) as its gravity. So equation (2) states g
= Gm/ r 2. By this we can bring out mass {m} and write as
Now we can think
about the total energy of the object at rest.
Here I am
going to hide the mass from equation (4) and insert equation (3) instead of
mass. So we can write it as
So here we
bring gravity, universal gravitational constant and radius of the object in equation
(3) instead of mass. While we are bringing gravitational constant “G”, the
object is being a part of universal gravity. So it can be macroscopic or
microscopic according to the distance between the object and the observer. The important
thing is that the object is just become a part of the total gravity of the
universe. Here the platform of the object is the total energy of the universe
and its gravity.
Now we will go
through Quantum Theory and try to insert gravity and universal constant of
gravity in it. While I am reading some articles, I get noticed some points of
De Broglie relation and the possibilities to insert the gravity in it. So we
can work with De Broglie relation and it states,
Here m0 is the rest mass of the object.
Now we can bring equation (5) to equation (7) and it can be written as
And we can say simply as
Here also we bring the universal gravitational constant into the
equation and the particle into the platform of universal gravity.
By this we can bring the classical and quantum physics under a same
According to me the fundamental of universe
is the energy. It has its own properties and will not change even if it is
macroscopic or microscopic object. And laws of motion is also unchangeable.
Now I would like to show an example to
understand the relationship between gravity and frequency. While looking into
moon we can see it as a shining object. We know it is not producing any energy
itself and it is radiating (reflecting) the sunlight only. An observer on the
surface of moon will not see it as shining. The distance between earth and moon
is showing us the brightness of moon to us. So by distance we can observe the
major parts of the reflection (radiation) of light from the moon. If we think
about this we can say the amount of radiation which we are observing is showing
us the brightness. So all of the radiating lights and its frequencies are
combining together to show us the brightness. What I am intended to say is a
single photon doesn’t show mass but it shows gravity otherwise light will not
bend in gravitational fields. That means gravity is the property of stored
energy in a particle. If we take an atom as an example the sum of the total
energy in it is showing the total gravity of it and energy is closely related
with its frequency. So I am interested to say that gravity is closely related
to its frequency than its mass.
How we can apply
Gravity into Quantum Mechanics
To bring
classical physics and Quantum theory in a same line we have to bring them under
a same platform with certain measurements. We have to bring Classical Physics
into microscopic level or Quantum Mechanics into macroscopic level or these two
under a same platform. According to me microscopic or macroscopic dimensions
are influencing the reference frame of the observer. Here I am trying to bring
them under a same dimension in two different frames of an observer in a same
platform. I think that it is possible if we bring Gravity as a main component
in these two branches of physics. So I am trying to insert gravity in these
two. Gravity is already described in Classical physics. So we can start from it.
Here I am going to
start from Newton and his theory of Gravity. We know that
All we know
that every objects with mass (Energy) show its own gravity. Now imagine an
object at space. We can calculate its gravity by the equation
Now we can bring
this object into Earth’s surface. At this time the gravity will be equation
(1). But at the same time the objects gravity will be equation (1). Anyhow we
can work with the concept that the object is at the space for more clarity and
the equation (2) as its gravity. So equation (2) states g
= Gm/ r 2. By this we can bring out mass {m} and write as
Now we can think
about the total energy of the object at rest.
Here I am
going to hide the mass from equation (4) and insert equation (3) instead of
mass. So we can write it as
So here we
bring gravity, universal gravitational constant and radius of the object in equation
(3) instead of mass. While we are bringing gravitational constant “G”, the
object is being a part of universal gravity. So it can be macroscopic or
microscopic according to the distance between the object and the observer. The important
thing is that the object is just become a part of the total gravity of the
universe. Here the platform of the object is the total energy of the universe
and its gravity.
Now we will go
through Quantum Theory and try to insert gravity and universal constant of
gravity in it. While I am reading some articles, I get noticed some points of
De Broglie relation and the possibilities to insert the gravity in it. So we
can work with De Broglie relation and it states,
Here m0 is the rest mass of the object.
Now we can bring equation (5) to equation (7) and it can be written as
And we can say simply as
Here also we bring the universal gravitational constant into the
equation and the particle into the platform of universal gravity.
By this we can bring the classical and quantum physics under a same
According to me the fundamental of universe
is the energy. It has its own properties and will not change even if it is
macroscopic or microscopic object. And laws of motion is also unchangeable.
[1] Sebastian, A.
(2014) Structure of Relatively Accelerating Universe. International Journal
of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4, 165-177.
[1] Sebastian, A.
(2014) Structure of Relatively Accelerating Universe. International Journal
of Astronomy and Astrophysics, 4, 165-177.
Hmmm. Interesting Analysis! Here's my contribution.
ReplyDelete(W)ork has degrees of organization according to (M)atter and (E)nergy.
1. W = M + E;
2. (dW)^2 = ME, 0 < || d || < 1/4 and imagine your selfie :-) ;
3. ΔE = c^2 * ΔM (Einstein's Equation).
Postulate Zero or Omega Postulate: Ether exists, and it is also called UnConditional Reality (UCR or GOD).
Postulate One (Conditional Reality (CR)): All states of system are temporal or changing.
Postulate Two (CR): Matter and Energy are more or less organizing, and they define the geometry or shape of space.
Postulate Three (CR): Forces arise due to Matter and Energy interaction or conversion.
Postulate Four (CR): There is no net accumulation of Matter or Energy at any point in system.
And I hope this stuff makes sense. :-)
David Cole